Expecting? Here's How to Get Life Insurance While Pregnant

If you’re expecting, you’re probably wondering, “Can you get life insurance while pregnant?” We’ll answer this and more in our guide to life insurance.
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Written by Brian Greenberg
CEO / Founder & Licensed Insurance Agent

Last updated: July 19th, 2022

Reviewed by Grant Desselle
Licensed Insurance Agent

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re pregnant or planning to be and wondering about insurance coverage. Can you get life insurance while pregnant? Yes, you can, but there are a few things to consider. In this article, we’ll discuss how pregnancy can impact life insurance rates and what riders you may want to consider.

How To Get Life Insurance While Pregnant

We know the answer to “Can you get life insurance while pregnant?” is yes, but how do you go about applying? The best time to get life insurance is when you’re young and healthy, but that’s not always possible. If you’re pregnant, you can still get life insurance, but your rates may be a bit higher than if you weren’t expecting. This is because there is always some risk associated with pregnancy.

There are a few things you can do to get the best rates possible. First, be honest about your health and pregnancy history. Don’t try to hide anything, because the insurance company will likely find out anyway. If you’ve had any problems with pregnancy in the past, it will likely increase your rates.

You can also ask the insurance company about their pregnancy riders. These are special policies that are designed for pregnant women. They usually don’t cost very much and can provide a lot of peace of mind.

What Insurers Look For In Pregnant Women

When deciding whether or not to offer a policy to a pregnant woman, insurers look at a few key factors. The most important one is the health of the mother and child. If there is any risk that the baby may be born prematurely or have health problems, the insurer may refuse to issue a policy.

Other things that can affect rates include the age of the mother, her smoking status, and the length of the pregnancy. Generally, the older a mother is, the more expensive her policy will be. Smokers can expect to pay higher premiums than non-smokers, and policies for pregnancies that are close to full-term will cost less than those for premature babies.

How Pregnancy Affects Life Insurance Rates

Would buying life insurance while pregnant mean paying a higher monthly premium? Not really. Buying term life insurance while you are pregnant should not equate to a higher monthly fee if you’re generally healthy, although insurance providers will have varying approaches to how they compute premiums based on their underwriting guidelines.

However, there may be some things that can make your life insurance premium prices slightly higher when you are pregnant, such as pre-existing conditions that could lead to a high-risk pregnancy, complications with previous pregnancies, weight gain, pre-eclampsia, and postpartum depression. Be sure to work with an insurance provider that understands the pregnancy experience and can decide on your coverage and fees fairly.

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Life Insurance Riders for Pregnant Women to Consider

There are a number of life insurance riders that can be added to a pregnant woman’s policy. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Maternity coverage: This rider provides coverage for medical expenses related to pregnancy and delivery.
  • Coverage for newborns: This rider provides coverage for the baby from birth until they reach a certain age (usually one or two years).
  • Caretaker coverage: This rider provides death benefits for the caretaker of the child if something happens to the parent.
  • Accidental death benefits: This rider provides coverage in case of accidental death.

Work with an insurance agent who can help you choose the right riders for your policy to ensure you get the best deal.

Life Insurance While Pregnant: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some of the questions asked about buying life insurance while a woman is pregnant.

Should I tell the insurance provider that I’m pregnant when I apply?

Yes, you should tell the insurance company if you are pregnant. They will want to know about any health problems you have had during your pregnancy.

Can I still get life insurance if my baby is premature?

It depends on the insurance company. Some companies will issue a policy for a preterm baby, but the rates may be higher.

Does my partner need insurance coverage?

Yes, ideally, both parents should have life insurance regardless of their employment or unemployment status. It will help ensure that your growing family stays financially secure in case either parent passes away. A payout can help replace the lost monthly income, pay off bills, and take care of household essentials, from upkeep to childcare. If you are not employed, many insurers will evaluate and approve coverage based on your working partner’s income.

Who should I name as beneficiaries?

You can name anyone you want as a beneficiary, including your partner, children, parents, or friends. It is important to choose someone you trust to receive the policy payout in the event of your death.

Term vs. permanent life insurance: which should I get while pregnant?

Level Term life insurance is the most affordable type of life insurance. It provides coverage for a specific period of time, usually 10, 20, or 30 years. After that period, the policy expires and needs to be renewed.

Permanent life insurance lasts for the rest of your life. It costs more than term life insurance, but it also builds up cash value over time. This can be used to help pay for things like college tuition or a funeral.

Many pregnant women choose term life insurance while they are pregnant because it is more affordable and their needs may change after the baby is born. Permanent life insurance can always be added later if needed.

When should I buy life insurance while pregnant?

The best time to buy life insurance is early in the pregnancy, preferably in the first trimester.

Work With a Trusted Insurance Partner That Understands Pregnancy Needs

Getting life insurance while pregnant can be a bit intimidating, but it’s important to do what you can to protect yourself and your child. By being honest about your health and pregnancy history, and by choosing the right riders and insurance provider, you can feel confident that you and your family are protected.

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About the author
Brian Greenberg author
Brian Greenberg
Founder and CEO
Brian is licensed to sell life, health, annuities, and property and casualty insurance in all 50 U.S. states. He is the author of The Salesman Who Doesn't Sell and is a member of the Million Dollar Round Table, an organization that consists of the top 1% of financial advisors worldwide.